Episode 005
Experience Designer Lauren Celenza of Google
What impact has travel had on your work?
Lauren Celenza is a senior designer at Google. For the past two years or so, she has been helping to shape the design of Google Maps to better fit the needs of emerging cities around the world, in places like Kenya, Southeast Asia, and India.
This week I ask Lauren how all this travel has impacted her work.
Not many will argue that travel is an eye and mind opening experience. Obviously, expanding your vision is valuable to anyone working in a creative capacity. In my conversation with Lauren Celenza, we discuss some specifics. Including how to involve the people you’re designing for more directly in the design process. She shares with us stories from her travels across six contents, insights about design research, and some tips for enhancing travel so it can elevate your creative thinking.
Notes and Links
Follow Lauren on Twitter and Instragram (@laurencza).
Read this article by Lauren that describes the Google Maps motorbike research and design process in more depth.
One Thing Real Quick is produced by Evan MacDonald. Direct tweets to @evanmacdonald.
This episode is sponsored by Libro.fm. Use the offer code “OTRQ” to get two audiobooks for the price of one! https://libro.fm/redeem/OTRQ
And now as promised, Lauren’s motion sketches
Motion sketches from a train ride in Japan, a van ride in Nigeria, a car ride in Iceland. All by Lauren Celenza.